It’s Time To Hold The Complicit Accountable
Raising awareness to Joe Paterno’s silent participation in covering up, and by default endorsing, child abuse.
This isn’t just about one monster abusing children. This is about an entire institution and coach that turned a blind eye, enabling Jerry Sandusky to continue his horrific behavior — preying on the most vulnerable for years.
Joe Paterno, one of the most storied and respected coaches in college football, knew in 2002 Sandusky had anally raped a 10 year old boy. And yet, he stood by and did nothing.
Penn State, one of the most respected Universities in the country, knew in 2002 Sandusky had anally raped a 10 year old boy. And yet, they stood by and did nothing.
Their silence resulted in Jerry Sandusky continuing to have unfettered access to thousands of minors on campus.
Silence is complicity.
Do not be silent.